Articles on: Peoplelogic Impact

How to update OKRs in IMPACT

IMPACT makes it really easy for you to update any property of Objectives and Key Results.

You can change almost every value that you see on every screen. Just click on the field, and it becomes editable. The property is automatically saved as you unfocus the cursor. 

☝️ Note: Any team member can view and update any OKR in your workspace. It helps create transparency and ownership of goals. Keep track of the updates with the feed.

📽️ Check out our video tutorial on updating OKRs in IMPACT

📝 Here is a step-by-step guide on how to update OKRs in IMPACT

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Objectives"

3. Navigate to the objective you want to update and click on it

4. Click "OPEN"

5. You can update the progress of your objective by changing the data under "Current"

6. Input the corresponding data

7. As you input the corresponding data, the percentage on the right side will also change automatically

8. You can also manually update the status of your objective to either "on track", "at risk", "behind", or "postponed.

9. To view any actions that you take within the objective, click "Feed"

10. To close the objective, click on the "X" symbol at the upper right corner of the window

To see it in action, please visit Peoplelogic Learn.

Updated on: 30/05/2024

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