Articles on: Peoplelogic Optimize

What Events Does Peoplelogic Aggregate From Greenhouse

Peoplelogic uses the latest Harvest API from Greenhouse to aggregate the following events:

Follow up Scheduled
Note Left
Stage Changed ✅
Interview Scheduled
Offer Made ✅
Offer Accepted ✅
Offer Updated
Candidate Rejected
Candidate Created ✅
Candidate Assigned
Candidate Tagged
Candidate Unhired
Candidate Unrejected
Candidate Moved
Candidate Merged
Prospect Created ✅
Prospect Rejected
Prospect Advanced ✅

✅  Good KPI choices for this integration


Additionally, Peoplelogic aggregates the following metadata for Greenhouse events.  This data may be used in advanced models and may not be queried directly:

Application IDs
Rejection Reason

Updated on: 17/11/2023

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