What Events Does Peoplelogic Aggregate from Asana?
Peoplelogic.ai uses the latest Asana REST API to aggregate events from the projects that the connected user has access to. Out of the box we aggregate the following events:
Task Added ✅
Task Completed ✅
Task Reopened ✅
Task Updated
Task Deleted
Task Assigned ✅
Task Unassigned
Task Due Date Changed
Subtask Added
Attachment Added
Attachment Removed
✅ _Good KPI choices for this integration
Additionally, Peoplelogic aggregates the following metadata for Asana events. This data may be used in advanced models and may not be queried directly:
Workspace ID
Workspace Name
Team ID
Team Name
Project ID
Project Name
Task Added ✅
Task Completed ✅
Task Reopened ✅
Task Updated
Task Deleted
Task Assigned ✅
Task Unassigned
Task Due Date Changed
Subtask Added
Attachment Added
Attachment Removed
✅ _Good KPI choices for this integration
Additionally, Peoplelogic aggregates the following metadata for Asana events. This data may be used in advanced models and may not be queried directly:
Workspace ID
Workspace Name
Team ID
Team Name
Project ID
Project Name
Updated on: 17/11/2023
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