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Meet Lexi - The Peoplelogic AI Persona

At the heart of sits Lexi - the AI that helps your team perform better.  Lexi helps you access insights, sends you daily and weekly reminders about what's important, and ensures you get the most out of Peoplelogic on your way to an improved employee experience.

Lexi uses natural language so you can communicate with the AI intuitively, whether you're in our own application, or your favorite team communication tool like Slack.  In an effort to make it as easy as possible to communicate with Lexi, we've tried to describe the types of things that you can say to the AI and what information the tool will surface.

Starting a Conversation

Lexi makes it easy to get the insights you need about your team using simple language.  To start getting insights, you need to speak Lexi's language.  For insights, all inquiries will start with one of the following:

What's the
Show me

Then you follow that with the type of data you'd like to get back or indicate that you want a time series graph.  Here are a few examples:

show daily activity by openness

what's the top stay factor?

show emotional range by skill

show activity by team

show activity by team and skill

Read on for more details about the details of these types of queries.

Time Series Queries

Now that you know how to start talking to Lexi, there are many cases where you want to see how your team is performing over a period of time or how their engagement or personality insights have evolved over a period of time.  For that, Lexi interprets your need for a time series display of data and renders the output as a graph instead of a table.  For example:

show me monthly activity by team


Lexi will generate this graph if you include "daily", "weekly," or "monthly" after you start your query with things like "show", "show me," or "list".  As Lexi evolves, you'll be able to also get this time series data as a table or other graph types.

Grouping Information

Sometimes you don't want to get the overall summary for reports and instead would like to group your results by a team, a personality trait, or even employee.  You've already seen this power in some of the examples we've shared above.  Lexi looks for the following phrases to see if you intend to group your data by a field or fields:

group by
grouped by
for each
by each

Group by more than one field or collection of data by separating the fields with and.

Take this inquiry for example:

show daily git activity

That will show you a single line of activity per day.  By itself, that's not very useful.  Let's group that by employee:

show daily git activity by employee

 Or perhaps we'd rather see it by Team and their StayFactor:

show daily git activity by team and stay factor

See the Collections section for more information on what you can group by.

Limiting Information

Lexi understands a variety of different options to help you scope your inquiries to specific dates or date ranges and to limit the amount of data you return. 

First, to limit the amount of data you return (specifically for non-time series queries), simply use top or bottom and then the number of results you'd like.  For example:

show me the bottom stay factor

show me the top 3 employees by stay factor

You can even limit that to a date range, as we'll see next.  Here's an example:

show me the top 3 employees by activity starting this month

Date Limiting

In general, there are three different ways to limit the results by date dates - starting, until, ending or in the past time period.  Let's look at some examples:

show daily git activity by team starting 3 months ago until 1 month ago

In this example, we're telling Lexi to look back 3 months ago until 1 month ago.  We could also have said 3 weeks ago until 1 week ago and Lexi would have understood that as well or even asking for the activity for the past 2 weeks (or in the past 2 weeks):

show daily git activity by team for the past 2 weeks

Additionally, Lexi lets you choose to use only one side of the date limiting phrase.  For example, we could have said we wanted activity ending 1 month ago (or until 1 month ago). 

show monthly git activity by team until 1 month ago

Finally, we could tell Lexi to give us date between two specific dates, rather than relative dates.  Here's two examples:

show me daily activity by team starting march 1 and ending march 7

show me daily activity starting 2020-03-01 and ending 2020-03-07

You can also combine the grouping information we learned earlier with your date limiting to produce really interesting results.  For example:

show me daily activity by skill and team starting march 1 and ending march 7


Currently, Lexi only supports the English locale.  All dates will need to be in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or as Month + Day (ie. July 2nd).

Additional Lexi Commands

Lexi also has certain "assistant" capabilities depending on the context that you start the conversation in.  For example, from within Slack you can instruct Lexi to create a team and import employees from an existing Slack channel with the following:

/lexi create a team


/lexi create a team from #dev

Additionally, if you just want to import a channel into your existing primary team, do the following:

/lexi update my team with the #dev members

Remember, you can only map a team to a channel once and you can't execute the update if it has already been mapped to another team.

Lexi also understands things like 'hello' or 'help' or even 'good morning' to help you with the items you need to be focused on first thing in the morning to better manage your team.

Updated on: 17/11/2023

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