uses the latest GitHub REST API to aggregate events from the Projects that the configured personal access token has access to. Out of the box we aggregate the following events:
Push To Origin ✅
Pull Request Comment
Comment (issue comment)
Issued Created ✅
Issue Updated
Issue Reopened ✅
Issue Closed ✅
Pull Request Opened ✅
Pull Request Closed
Pull Request Review
Branch Created
Wiki Article Created (article written in Lexi)
Repository Created
Repository Forked
Tag Created ✅ (useful for tracking releases
Collaborator Added To Repository
✅ Good KPI choices for this integration
Lexi can also use the GitHub Issues data to produce advanced insights, not simply event data. Those advanced values to query are:
time to close ✅
Additionally, Peoplelogic aggregates the following metadata for GitHub events. This data may be used in advanced models and may not be queried directly:
Commit SHA
Commit Head
Commit Ref
Milestone Name
Milestone Start Date
Milestone Due On
Pull Request Created At